Data and Information Systems

The Health Information Group develops online databases and data systems for local and state programs and contacts, as well as for national resource centers and international health law reviews.

Recent Online Databases

Online Databases for Resource Centers

have been developed to track bibliographic references, organizations, library collections, federally-sponsored projects, and research articles. The Health Information Group developed a cross-database search for the MCH Library that instantaneously searches all of its databases.

International Health Law Database

tracks cases on human rights law as well as their corresponding instruments and national constitutions. This project, housed at the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, is funded by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Population Fund. Data will be released upon completion of a multi-country expert review.

Ohio Safety Net Dental Clinics

enables users to search via an interactive map to obtain specific clinic information. Searches are also available by an online searchable clinic database.

Past Projects of Significance

Ohio Safety Net Dental Clinics

enables users to search via an interactive map to obtain specific clinic information. Searches are also available by an online searchable clinic database.

Title V Information System

The Health Information Group developed the first national data collection and reporting system to track financial, program, measurement, and indicator data for state grants funded under the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant (Title V of the Social Security Act). Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) now runs the Title V Information System, since government regulations now prohibit national data sets to be maintained by university research groups.