National Public Health Initiatives
The Health Information Group supports the development and maintenance of numerous federally-supported public health initiatives. These resource centers provide three critical functions:
- Acting as a repository of critical, evidence-based resources not accessible from other sources.
- Serving as an information filter to the most relevant, highly selected online resources in the field found across the Web.
- Providing a current awareness mechanism to the most current and emerging professional literature in the health field.
Current National Public Health Initiatives
The MCH Navigator
The Navigator is a learning portal for maternal and child health professionals, students, and others working to improve the health and well being of women, children, and families. It seeks to enhance access to currently available public health MCH learning resources by “matching” learner needs with learning paths. This initiative is intended to complement, and not be a substitute for, formal institutionally-based undergraduate or graduate education programs in maternal and child health.
The National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center
OHRC responds to the needs of states and communities in addressing current and emerging public oral health issues. The center supports health professionals, program administrators, educators, policymakers, and others with the goal of improving oral health services for infants, children, adolescents, and their families.
Bright Futures at Georgetown University
With funding from HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau and others, Bright Futures at Georgetown University advances Bright Futures practice and partnership through the development of distance learning curricula, online training resources, and family materials.